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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bad Hair Day

This is actually normal for us...all day! She was so funny when she woke up from her nap today that I had to take a picture. Matt asked if I placed an electric outlet near her crib or something. She literally sleeps on her head...It's ridiculous! I'm sorry, Mati Claire, you inherited Mommy's hair.
Happy Birthday, Kerigan! She turns 4 on Monday.
Matt and I got a night out together Friday. The new Batman movie is awesome! I'm looking forward to almost 2 weeks off work after Tuesday. Yeah! MC's learned to wave bye-bye and how to throw a ball back and forth. It's great! Bye-Bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Does this pix bring back memories--not the best either, esp. on a morning we were running late. Luv to you three. gigi