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Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun Weekend

Our FIRST craft! Mother's Day Out sent me home with this project even though they are too young to really participate. So MC ate the Cheerios while I glued them. She ate the Crayons while I colored. And she ate the paper while I cut it. I held it up to her when we were done, and she belted out in approval while grinning ear to ear. She was so proud of it. Now if we can only keep it in one piece until Friday. I'm looking forward to more homework! Last Friday while MC was at school, I realized it was the FIRST day in over 14 months that I was HOME ALONE! Usually I leave the house when we have a babysitter. I found myself trying to be quiet while loading the dishwasher because I kept thinking she was taking a nap. I found myself looking down by my feet afraid I was going to step on her. I found myself watching television tuned into my shows instead of Sprout. I was SO blown away by all this that I didn't know what to do!

Friday night, Matt and I got somewhat of a 'date-night' with James and Laura's Rehearsal Dinner. I love having adult conversations with other mothers. They let me know I'm not going crazy. Saturday was the big wedding! Lovely. Just beautiful and windy! It was so wonderful to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. I hope Laura doesn't mind, but I had to post a pic. Her dress is gorgeous! The wedding was so sweet.

Every now and then, I come across a YouTube clip that catches my attention. This one came across me at work the other day and most people have probably seen it already (I think I even got it later in a mass email), but it still makes me smile. Even though I get plenty of it around here this little boy is so funny I have to share it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbSieU8wcFQ

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