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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Clinton Arrow

I am such a traitor.  I officially have a Clinton Arrow.  One of my Vicksburg High school enemies.  Won't say arch-nemesis (Warren Central) but Clinton came in close second.  Regardless, we love Clinton and couldn't be happier with their school system right now.  Mati Claire is a KINDERGARTNER! We met her teacher this morning and we are excited!  MC's biggest fear is getting lost in the building.... I don't blame her - it is a pretty big building.  Here's a few pics:
Excited about being in Mrs. Landfair's class!
"The RED hall"

Stay tuned tomorrow for dumplin's BIG 1 month old (at-home) pictures! and an update on her!

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Erin said...


Sorry, couldn't resist!

giovanni1964 said...

Goodd share