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Sunday, April 20, 2014

16 missed calls

After rescheduling and postponing a long-awaited and much needed girls lunch with some old friends/co-workers, I finally got to have lunch across town (30 minutes from where I live).  I look down at my phone - and see that I have 16 missed calls from my babysitter, Devin, 4 missed calls from the hubs, 2 missed calls from my mom, 2 missed calls from my sister, and several voicemails and texts.  The "16" is what catches my eye - so I decide to call the sitter back first while we are paying for our meal.  I have absolutely NO idea why I never heard my phone ring (other than the fact that the restaurant was loud).

She wasn't crying, but kept saying there was blood everywhere.  Mattox had fallen and hit his head on our horrible excuse for a coffee table in the living room.  Turns out after 16 missed calls and many phone calls to the ER, she had stopped crying by the time I actually spoke with her!

I am the type of mom that doesn't take my kids to the doctor.  They have to have a finger cut off for me to take them to the doctor.  And not because the hubs is a doctor.  Ok maybe a little.  But the Emergency Room?  Only time I've ever stepped foot there was after my wreck 10 years ago and I had no choice in the ambulance.  I kept telling myself it couldn't be that big of a deal… I was in denial.  Am I mad at the sitter?  NOOOO!  I had to tell her the story of how I once literally blew up the kitchen of a lady I was babysitting for.  Had to call 911.  Or maybe a neighbor called 911 because their apartment was on fire too.  I was in shock so I don't remember the details.  But I told her to think about how I felt when I had to call the mom and tell her everyone was ok - but her house wasn't.  So I understood how bad she felt.

My mother-in-law picked him up to meet me at the hospital (as I was already right down the road from there).  Upon hearing Devin on the phone and seeing this…. I STILL was not that worried about it.  I figured we were all over-reacting and I was going to hate myself for allowing an ER visit when I start getting medical bills in the mail.
Yeah it looks innocent enough.
Had to cover the IV up with a blanket so he would leave it alone.

His hair was matted to the wound and completely covering it up.  When our best friend, Dr. Harrison, pulled his hair back ---- we both cringed.  UUUGGGGHHHH!!!

I've never seen a cut that bad.  I'm sure Dr. Harrison has seen much worse.  But it.was.deep!  and gross.
and oh my goodness my stomach started feeling queasy.  i got light-headed.  i broke out in a sweat.  mattox is fighting the meds and groaning.  and why oh why isn't Matt here working today??? this mommy had to look away for a few minutes.  and sit down before I passed out.

So proud of my big boy who did great.  Even though they brought reinforcements to help hold him down, there wasn't a huge need for it.  sedated, 4 stitches, and his Batman shirt came clean.  Which was his only worry.  The next day he is back to scaling the kitchen cabinets and jumping on furniture!

I am desperately trying to not feel guilty about not being there when it happened, but I do.  I feel even more guilty that Merritt fell down some stairs today and busted her nose.  All I can think is "there was once an old lady who lived in a shoe…she had so many kids she didn't know what to do…."

"I am a total badass."      OR      "I got toe-up by a coffee table."       OR       "spiked hair is not a good look for me"              
and my favorite caption "……plotting his revenge……." 
The next day.  Back to being Batman or Iron Man or Spiderman.

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