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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter service was awesome this morning!  The choir and orchestra did an amazing job!  I didn't grow up in a church that had music like that - and it made me proud to know that Mati Claire was sitting next to us getting to "grow up" with services like that (whether or not she was paying any attention is beside the point).

We went to my in-laws for lunch.  They moved houses shortly after I met Matt (12 years ago) - and I must say my favorite thing about their "new" house is their front porch!  It feels like a picture torn out of a SouthernLiving catalog.  I love my small town.  Mississippi.  Sipping sweet tea swinging on the front porch.  We are raising right.  Family.

We force "Ray" (and whoever wants to help her to hide eggs) to do an egg hunt for the grandkids every year.  I must say Granny got into it this year and made it interesting!  Blessed to have wonderful extended family as well.

Here are a few pics from the day:
The Easter Bunny tries to focus on a few movies and small toys instead of candy.  
That's about as good as it gets with all 5 of us.
be.still.my.heart.  oh my word.  even with bruises and stitches and swollen eyes he is still rocking a suit.

I am in love.

"wonder what its like to go falling down those stairs??"
just a swingin'
Yes, I photoshopped her busted nose in this one.
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