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Monday, July 5, 2010

3 x the fun

Happy Birthday to our Princess!

3 Pretty princesses!

The only official 3 year olds!

Attempt at a family picture...of course its hard to get everyone to look at the camera

MC's birthday present from us!

His first time to get in the pool! My little shark!

Miss Rachel painted her nails and toes for the first time!!!

My little prince charming! Such a sweetie!

Mati Claire is turning THREE this week! Happy Birthday! She got so excited that my family was here visiting that she made herself sick... seriously. She's been running a fever since yesterday. No other symptoms though. She LOVES all of her cousins. We have been in the pool, playing outside, watching movies upstairs, or eating ice cream all week. Love these lazy days of summer!
My other baby is leaving 3 months behind and will be 4 months on Friday! oh my... time is flying by! He is not napping well, but I'm not complaining - he sleeps all night!!!! He went swimming for the first time yesterday and he was adorable kicking his feet in the water.
I was reminiscing about MC being 3 months old so I decided to look back at the blog when she was around that age. I found this pic and decided to compare it to Mattox now:

Too funny right? Kerigan, Kennedy, MC, and Mattox all wore that onesie!!!

1 comment:

Wilson said...

Happy Birthday, MC! Can't believe how much they look alike. I think the family pic looks great! Btw--both of my kids have been sick with what seems to be a "fever virus" this past week. They each just ran fever for one or two days...no other symptoms. Weird! Hope she's feeling better.