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Sunday, October 12, 2008


Taking nominations for REAL moms! Mati Claire just inducted me into the Hall of Fame! We went to church this morning, and we came straight home so she could take a nap. She slept for 2 hours and normally I leave her in the crib so she can chat with herself. For some reason, I decided to go get her as soon as I heard her wake up. From the door, I could smell something bad. I thought well, its time for a dirty diaper today. Without turning the light on, I went over to her crib and she VERY POLITELY stuck her hand out (she was obviously holding something in it). She normally hands me pieces of lent or dirt or leaves or whatever. This time she handed me a handful of POOP!!!! OH Mati Claire! It had exploded out of her diaper and she had been rolling around in it! In 15 months, I have never had to clean up poop like this! :) It's great being a mother! I love it! :) If anyone else has ever been in this position, bless you and you get my vote for Mother of the Year!


Wilson said...

I can definitely relate. Addison has done this twice. Luckily, she is so OCD that the second time she managed to slide the diaper all the way off without getting it anywhere in the bed. The joy of children!

Carly Winborne said...

No way!!! I would have DIED! Fortunately, that has never happened to me...YET!! I can't imagine what I would do.

I think you're a wonderful mother! Mother of the Year!!

Love that Canton dress on MC. I STILL haven't gotten one of those for JA! Maybe next spring...

Sweet T said...

I welcomed this morning with last night's hot dog in Rebecca's bed(Cory is responsible for the hot dog.) It took all I had to not get sick while stripping her bed and cleaning her. I'll go no further with the description!