We have had zero sleep for awhile because Mattox has cut 4 teeth in less than a week. So I'm already 'on edge'. My breaking point. whatever you want to call it. Going to vent here and 'keep it real' as my friend Erin says. I began yesterday with a PLAN. Yeah. right. whoever has 2 kids under the age of 3 does NOT have a plan. Plans go out the window in a second.
I PLANNED to have an organized day and do all the things we have been procrastinating. Well the weather called that off. So decided to spend the day inside cooking and practicing the cake pops for Mattox's party. Those didn't go as well as hoped...or planned. I may be looking into BUYING those instead. After being covered in chocolate, decided to give both kiddos a bath to get a head start on the night routine. Yay for me. I decided MC needed at least a 1 hour nap before ballet and church (day 1 of our revival). Woke both my kiddos up at 3:30 to leave. I had to get them dressed, pack for ballet, change of clothes for church, dinners for both, milk for Mattox, jackets, and diaper bag all in 30 minutes. I knew we wouldn't have time to come home again. So we're running late to ballet. We met Matt for dinner and by some miracle my kids actually behaved in a public restaurant! Yay for them! So we head to church. Matt has to leave early to go to work, and I wanted to leave early so I could get them in bed at a decent time. I really shouldn't let a rude person get the best of me. But boy did she put me in a bad mood. So Mattox falls asleep in the car = BIG MISTAKE! But there was no keeping him awake for a 15 minute drive.
I usually base my decision on who I put to sleep first on who is the sleepiest/fussiest. When am I going to learn to put MC down first...no matter what? So I'm nursing Mattox hoping he'll go right back to sleep. If I stop in this very moment, I would've become Grace in Will and Grace when she squirts the art painting with her leaky water bra. Remember that one? So I'm in the middle of nursing him, when I hear shuffles coming down the hall. MC is screaming and crying coming down the hall with her pants--soaking wet pants--around her ankles. "I tee-teed in the floor! I tee-teed in the floor, Mommy!" Great. (Sidenote: this is her first accident in a long time). So I cut Mattox off and therefore he is WIDE awake now. So I put him down in the kitchen. MC had a major accident in the bathroom --couldn't really get mad at her because obviously she was trying to make it to the toilet. Just a few inches off. So I'm cleaning up the floor but I'm still falling out of my bra so I decide to sit on her step-stool next to the potty. Yeah...now my pants are soaking wet. Ooohh gross. As I'm taking my and MC's pants off, Mattox decided he wanted to join in the fun and he's crawling in the bathroom floor. Yeah...so he's soaking wet too. And the most disgusting of us all. So we're all 3 walking around naked and I'm trying to figure out what to do FIRST. Do I finish nursing him? Do I give them a bath? Do I give myself a bath seeing as I skipped mine today and they've already had one? Do I clean up the floor first? Not to mention that its 9:00 by this time. I left church at 7:30 so I could get them to bed at a good time to be prepared for today. So! They both get bath #2 for the day. I put MC to bed and then work on getting Mad Man to calm down again. He falls asleep around 10pm. I walk out of his room and hear MC STILL talking over the monitor. She eventually fell asleep around 11:00... yeah you read that right. So I flip my phone to FB as I'm getting myself ready for bed. Oh that's right, there was a football game on tonight. Watched about 2 seconds of it before I fell asleep. MC woke me up at 5 AM yelling that she needs to go potty. Why does she have to have my permission to go to the bathroom? Someone please explain that. So I stumble upstairs to literally watch her go. (I've quit helping her with her pants lately). I even bought walkie-talkies for Christmas so that I could grant her permission without having to go upstairs. Lazy? No...just sleep deprived. I explain to her for the 100th time that it is NOT time to get up (I usually have to wake her up at 8:00 on school days). So I listen to her play or talk til about 7 am...then she falls asleep...oh wait now I hear Mattox awake...
gotta love it. and it was only Monday....
Advent Project: Vignettes
1 month ago
Sydney has FINALLY gotten to where she'll go potty at night without screaming for me to come watch. It took a while but we are there. Now that will probably change tonight.
Thanks for keeping it real. And just know that it will get better! If not, more fun stuff to blog about. ha! Kidding!
That made me tired just reading it ! Dont buy cake pops, I have made them before and would LOVE to make them for my chunky monkey's bday!!!!!! Just let know know what kind you want!!!!
Poor thing. We've all been there. Don't you just love those moments where you are running around in a circle literally trying to figure out which fire to put out first?
goodness!!! That wore me out! I have days like this often and I only have one to look after. I let comments, rude remarks, etc. get to me all the time. I n fact at this very moment I am dealing with something someone said. Just remember this to shall pass. Hope the rest of the week is better!
Sounds like your house too! So nice to know I'm in good company and not alone in the craziness. I hope your week improved from there! And, by the way, you totally inspired me to start thinking about Sarah Kate's first birthday party. Where has this year gone? So fast!!
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