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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mermaid ZhuZhu

What a week! Whew. I am exhausted. I am so glad things are back to a normal routine and everyone is feeling better! We thought Mattox had RSV, but whatever it was is gone now. I celebrated turning 32 this week. Ugh. Could my week have gotten any worse? Oh, wait... a stranger told me "You look just like Miranda..." I was so excited because I was thinking about my sister-in-law, Miranda... then she said "you know, from Sex and the City Miranda." Yeah... hm. not so much. Really? Someone please tell me no. Really? Then I decided to start my diet and exercise routine back. Been off that wagon for almost 2 years now. So yeah, it can always get worse. Especially when Matt threw the Oreos in the garbage for me. Ugh!

On a brighter note, we have NO plans this week! I'm loving that. We plan to spend every minute
doing things like this: Playing mermaids in the tub and with zhuzhu's til we drop.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so funny...I used to play mermaid in the tub ALL THE TIME when I was little! Something about long hair floating behind you makes it feel like you're a mermaid!